
Extended Health Benefits for Group Plans

Please note: This information is meant to be a guide to help individuals access their extended health benefits for psychological services. Please seek confirmation with your insurance carrier the details and extent of your coverage and process for reimbursement prior to initiating services.


How much coverage do I have to receive services from a psychologist?

Whether or not you have coverage for services from a psychologist and the monetary limit to these services depends upon the type of policy you have. If you have a copy of the plan you receive in your position at work or as a student, the benefits section of this plan should provide the details you need.

If you have web-based plan information available to you, below are some links where you can obtain further details about your benefits, organized by insurance carrier:

Great-West Life: https://groupnet.greatwestlife.com/public/signin/login.public?blank&brand=pm&lang=en (User Name and Password required)

Manulife: https://wwwec7.manulife.com/GBPlanMemberUI/Login.aspx?language=English (Plan Contract No. and Member Certificate No. required)

Sun Life Financial: https://www.sunnet.sunlife.com/signin/mysunlife/home.wca? (Access ID and Password required)


Otherwise, you can contact the Customer Services division of your insurance carrier company to ask for details (be sure to have your plan/policy number available when you call):

Desjardins: 1-866-838-7661

Great-West Life: 1-800-957-9777

Manulife: 1-800-268-6195 (operates between 8am and 8pm EST Monday to Friday)

Sun Life Financial:

- if you have benefits through an employer: 1-800-361-6212 (operates between 8am and 8pm ET Monday to Friday)

- if you purchased benefits through an advisor:1-877-SUN-LIFE (1-877-786-5433) (operates between 8am to 8pm ET Monday to Friday)

- if you are with the Public Services Health Care Plan (PSHCP): 1-888-757-7427 (6:30am to 8pm ET Monday to Friday)


How do I submit a claim to access my extended health benefits?

Please speak to an insurance advisor from your insurance carrier who can help clarify the claims process, verify whether these are the claim forms you need or if you need any assistance with this process.

Links to claim forms for group benefits are as follows:


Great-West Life: http://www.greatwestlife.com/web5/groups/group/@public/documents/web_content/s7_001163.pdf

Manulife: http://www.manulife.ca/wps/wcm/connect/bbe57b2e-51c1-49ba-881e-20554ef8f28d/gb_GL3655E.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=bbe57b2e-51c1-49ba-881e-20554ef8f28d

Sun Life Financial: http://www.sunlife.ca/static/canada/Sponsor/About%20Group%20Benefits/Forms/PDF%20static%20files/EHC_E_Fillable.pdf